Commercial Photography

I offer a range of skills in the Commercial photography world, none the least, is the ability to interpret and deliver on your brief.  The right image or set of images can deliver your message, or sales needs in one easy visual blow! Combine that with your marketing message and professional commercial photography just pays for itself.

Pete shoots for a wide range of clients and a wide range of photographic disciplines, giving me a broad range of skills to apply to many different shoots.  I’ve hung out of helicopters for that classic / unique view on the world that aerial photography provides, spent hours setting up for that perfect wine bottle photograph and work with a diverse range of people to create powerful portraits that tell the viewer who this person is as and what makes them tick. Importantly Pete knows how to master and control natural light, and combine studio flash lighting to create dynamic, interesting photographs.

Get in touch to discuss your needs, develop a brief and deliver strong images that work for you.